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Private Kernel Circuit - Reset


A reset circuit is designed to abstain from processing individual private function calls. Instead, it injects the outcomes of an initial, inner, or another reset private kernel circuit, scrutinizes the public inputs, and clears the verifiable data within its scope. A reset circuit can be executed either preceding the tail private kernel circuit, or as a means to "reset" public inputs at any point between two private kernels, allowing data to accumulate seamlessly in subsequent iterations.

There are 3 variations of reset circuits:

The incorporation of these circuits not only enhances the modularity and repeatability of the "reset" process but also diminishes the overall workload. Rather than conducting resource-intensive computations such as membership checks in each iteration, these tasks are only performed as necessary within the reset circuits.

Read Request Reset Private Kernel Circuit.

This reset circuit conducts verification on some or all accumulated read requests and subsequently removes them from the transient_accumulated_data within the public_inputs of the previous_kernel.

Depending on the value specified in hints.reset_type, it can target different read requests for resetting:

  • For reset_type == note_hash: target_read_requests = note_hash_read_requests
  • For reset_type == nullifier: target_read_requests = nullifier_read_requests

A read request can pertain to one of two types of values:

  • A settled value: generated in a prior successful transaction and included in the tree.
  • A pending value: created in the current transaction, not yet part of the tree.
  1. To clear read requests for settled values, the circuit performs membership checks for the target read requests using the hints provided via private_inputs.

    For each persistent_read_index at index i in hints.persistent_read_indices:

    1. If the persistent_read_index equals the length of the target_read_requests array, there is no read request to be verified. Skip the rest.
    2. Locate the read_request using the index:
      • read_request = target_read_requests[persistent_read_index]
    3. Perform a membership check on the value being read. Where:
      • The leaf corresponds to the value: read_request.value
      • The index and sibling path are in: hints.read_request_membership_witnesses[i].
      • The root is sourced from the block_header within public_inputs.constant_data:
        • For note hash: note_hash_tree_root

        • For nullifier: nullifier_tree_root

    Following the above process, at most N read requests will be cleared, where N is the length of the persistent_read_indices array. It's worth noting that there can be multiple versions of this reset circuit, each with a different value of N.

  2. To clear read requests for pending values, the circuit ensures that the values were created before the corresponding read operations, utilizing the hints provided via private_inputs.

    For each transient_read_index at index i in hints.transient_read_indices:

    1. If the transient_read_index equals the length of the target_read_requests array, there is no read request to be verified. Skip the rest.
    2. Locate the read_request using the index:
      • read_request = target_read_requests[transient_read_index]
    3. Locate the target being read using the index hints.pending_value_indices[i]:
      • For note hash: target = note_hash_contexts[index]
      • For nullifier: target = nullifier_contexts[index]
    4. Verify the following:
      • read_request.value == target.value
      • read_request.contract_address == target.contract_address
      • read_request.counter > target.counter
    5. When resetting a note hash, verify that the target note hash is not nullified before the read happens:
      • (target.nullifier_counter > read_request.counter) | (target.nullifier_counter == 0)

    Given that a reset circuit can execute between two private kernel circuits, there's a possibility that the value being read is emitted in a nested execution and hasn't been included in the public_inputs. In such cases, the read request cannot be verified in the current reset circuit and must be processed in another reset circuit after the value has been aggregated to the public_inputs.

  3. This circuit then ensures that the read requests that haven't been verified should remain in the transient_accumulated_data within its public_inputs.

    For each read_request at index i in the target_read_requests, find its status at hints.read_request_statuses[i]. Verify the following:

    • If status.state == persistent, i == persistent_read_indices[status.index].
    • If status.state == transient, i == transient_read_indices[status.index].
    • If status.state == nada, read_request == public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.target_read_requests[status.index].

Parent Secret Key Validation Request Reset Private Kernel Circuit.

This reset circuit validates the correct derivation of secret keys used in private functions, and subsequently removes them from the transient_accumulated_data within the public_inputs of the previous_kernel.

Initialize requests_kept to 0.

For each request at index i in key_validation_request_contexts, locate the master_secret_key at master_secret_keys[i] and the relevant app_secret_key generator at app_secret_keys_generators[i], provided as hints through private_inputs.

  1. If master_secret_key == 0, ensure the request remain within the public_inputs.:

    • public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.key_validation_request_contexts[requests_kept] == request
    • Increase requests_kept by 1: requests_kept += 1
  2. Else:

    • Verify that the public key is associated with the master_secret_key: request.parent_public_key == master_secret_key * G
    • Verify that the secret key was correctly derived for the contract: request.hardened_child_secret_key == hash(master_secret_key, request.contract_address)

Transient Note Reset Private Kernel Circuit.

In the event that a pending note is nullified within the same transaction, its note hash, nullifier, and all encrypted note preimage hashes can be removed from the public inputs. This not only avoids redundant data being broadcasted, but also frees up space for additional note hashes and nullifiers in the subsequent iterations.

  1. Ensure that each note hash is either propagated to the public_inputs or nullified in the same transaction.

    Initialize both notes_kept and notes_removed to 0.

    For each note_hash at index i in note_hash_contexts within the private_inputs, find the index of its nullifier at transient_nullifier_indices[i], provided as hints:

    • If transient_nullifier_indices[i] == nullifier_contexts.len():

      • Verify that the note_hash remains within the transient_accumulated_data in the public_inputs: note_hash == public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.note_hash_contexts[notes_kept]
      • Increment notes_kept by 1: notes_kept += 1
    • Else, locate the nullifier at nullifier_contexts[transient_nullifier_indices[i]]:

      • Verify that the nullifier is associated with the note:
        • nullifier.contract_address == note_hash.contract_address
        • nullifier.note_hash_counter == note_hash.counter
        • nullifier.counter == note_hash.nullifier_counter
      • Increment notes_removed by 1: notes_removed += 1
      • Ensure that an empty note_hash is appended to the end of note_hash_contexts in the public_inputs:
        • public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.note_hash_contexts[N - notes_removed].is_empty() == true

        • Where N is the length of note_hash_contexts.

      Note that the check nullifier.counter > note_hash.counter is not necessary as the nullifier_counter is assured to be greater than the counter of the note hash when propagated from either the initial or inner private kernel circuits.

  2. Ensure that nullifiers not associated with note hashes removed in the previous step are retained within the transient_accumulated_data in the public_inputs.

    Initialize both nullifiers_kept and nullifiers_removed to 0.

    For each nullifier at index i in the nullifier_contexts within the private_inputs, find the index of its corresponding transient nullifier at nullifier_index_hints[i], provided as hints:

    • If nullifier_index_hints[i] == transient_nullifier_indices.len():
      • Verify that the nullifier remains within the transient_accumulated_data in the public_inputs: nullifier == public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.nullifier_contexts[nullifiers_kept]
      • Increment nullifiers_kept by 1: nullifiers_kept += 1
    • Else, compute transient_nullifier_index as transient_nullifier_indices[nullifier_index_hints[i]]:
      • Verify that: transient_nullifier_index == i
      • Increment nullifiers_removed by 1: nullifiers_removed += 1
      • Ensure that an empty nullifier is appended to the end of nullifier_contexts in the public_inputs:
        • public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.nullifier_contexts[N - nullifiers_removed].is_empty() == true
        • Where N is the length of nullifier_contexts.

    After these steps, ensure that all nullifiers associated with transient note hashes have been identified and removed:

    nullifiers_removed == notes_removed

  3. Ensure that encrypted_note_preimage_hashes not associated with note hashes removed in the previous step are retained within the [transient_accumulated_data](./private-kernel-initial#transientaccumulateddata) in the public_inputs.

    Initialize both hashes_kept and hashes_removed to 0.

    For each preimage_hash at index i in the encrypted_note_preimage_hash_contexts within the private_inputs, find the index_hint of its corresponding hash within public_inputs at encrypted_note_preimage_hash_index_hints[i], provided as hints:

    • If index_hint == encrypted_note_preimage_hash_contexts.len():
      • Ensure that the associated note hash is removed:
        • Locate the note_hash at private_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.note_hash_contexts[log_note_hash_hints[i]].
        • Verify that the preimage_hash is associated with the note_hash:
          • preimage_hash.note_hash_counter == note_hash.counter
          • preimage_hash.contract_address == note_hash.contract_address
        • Confirm that the note_hash has a corresponding nullifier and has been removed in the first step of this section:
          • transient_nullifier_indices[log_note_hash_hints[i]] != nullifier_contexts.len()
      • Increment hashes_removed by 1: hashes_removed += 1
      • Ensure that an empty item is appended to the end of encrypted_note_preimage_hash_contexts in the public_inputs:
        • encrypted_note_preimage_hash_contexts[N - hashes_removed].is_empty() == true
        • Where N is the length of encrypted_note_preimage_hash_contexts.
    • Else, find the mapped_preimage_hash at encrypted_note_preimage_hash_contexts[index_hint] within public_inputs:
      • Verify that the context is aggregated to the public_inputs correctly:
        • index_hint == hashes_kept
        • mapped_preimage_hash == preimage_hash
      • Ensure that the associated note hash is retained in the public_inputs:
        • Locate the note_hash at public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data.note_hash_contexts[log_note_hash_hints[i]].
        • Verify that the preimage_hash is associated with the note_hash:
          • preimage_hash.note_hash_counter == note_hash.counter
          • preimage_hash.contract_address == note_hash.contract_address
      • Increment hashes_kept by 1: hashes_kept += 1

Note that this reset process may not necessarily be applied to all transient notes at a time. In cases where a note will be read in a yet-to-be-processed nested execution, the transient note hash and its nullifier must be retained in the public_inputs. The reset can only occur in a later reset circuit after all associated read requests have been verified and cleared.

Common Verifications

Below are the verifications applicable to all reset circuits:

Verifying the previous kernel proof.

It verifies that the previous iteration was executed successfully with the given proof data, verification key, and public inputs, sourced from private_inputs.previous_kernel.

The preceding proof can be:

Verifying the accumulated data.

It ensures that the accumulated_data in the public_inputs matches the accumulated_data in private_inputs.previous_kernel.public_inputs.

Verifying the transient accumulated data.

All arrays in the transient_accumulated_data in the public_inputs must equal their corresponding arrays in private_inputs.previous_kernel.public_inputs.transient_accumulated_data, with the exception of those modified by the reset circuits:

  1. Read request reset circuit (for note hashes): note_hash_read_requests
  2. Read request reset circuit (for nullifiers): nullifier_read_requests
  3. Parent secret key validation request reset circuit (for nullifier keys): key_validation_request_contexts
  4. Transient note reset circuit: note_hash_contexts and nullifier_contexts

Verifying other data.

This section follows the same process as outlined in the inner private kernel circuit.



The format aligns with the PreviousKernel of the inner private kernel circuit.

Hints for Read Request Reset Private Kernel Circuit

reset_typenote_hash | nullifierThe type of read requests to be reset.
transient_read_indices[field; N]Indices of the read requests for transient values.
pending_value_indices[field; N]Indices of the values for transient reads.
persistent_read_indices[field; M]Indices of the read requests for settled values.
read_request_membership_witnesses[MembershipWitness; M]Membership witnesses for the settled values.
read_request_statuses[ReadRequestStatus; C]Statuses of the values being read. C equals MAX_NOTE_HASH_READ_REQUESTS_PER_TX when reset_type is note_hash; MAX_NULLIFIER_READ_REQUESTS_PER_TX when reset_type is nullifier.

There can be multiple versions of the read request reset private kernel circuit, each with a different values of N and M.


statepersistent | transient | nadaState of the read request.
indexfieldIndex of the hint for the read request.

Hints for Parent Secret Key Validation Request Reset Private Kernel Circuit

master_secret_keys[field; MAX_KEY_VALIDATION_REQUESTS_PER_TX]Master secret to try to derive app secret keys and pub keys from.
app_secret_keys_generators[field; MAX_KEY_VALIDATION_REQUESTS_PER_TX]App secret key generators to assist with ^.

Hints for Transient Note Reset Private Kernel Circuit

transient_nullifier_indices[field; MAX_NEW_NOTE_HASHES_PER_TX]Indices of the nullifiers for transient notes.
nullifier_index_hints[field; MAX_NEW_NULLIFIERS_PER_TX]Indices of the transient_nullifier_indices for transient nullifiers.
encrypted_note_preimage_hash_index_hints[field; MAX_ENCRYPTED_NOTE_PREIMAGE_HASHES_PER_TX]Indices of the encrypted_note_preimage_hash_contexts for transient preimage hashes.
log_note_hash_hints[field; MAX_NEW_NOTE_HASHES_PER_TX]Indices of the note_hash_contexts for transient preimage hashes.


The format aligns with the PublicInputs of the initial private kernel circuit.