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Manual install

You can have some more control over the sandbox by installing it manually through the underlying script used by npx aztec-app.

This involves some knowledge on Docker if you want to stop, restart, or detach from logs. But it also gives you better control over things such as environment variables.


Install the sandbox

To install the latest Sandbox version, run:

bash -i <(curl -s

This will install the following tools:

  • aztec - launches various infrastructure subsystems (sequencer, prover, pxe, etc).
  • aztec-nargo - aztec's build of nargo, the noir compiler toolchain.
  • aztec-sandbox - a wrapper around docker-compose that launches services needed for sandbox testing.
  • aztec-up - a tool to upgrade the aztec toolchain to the latest, or specific versions.
  • aztec-builder - A useful tool for projects to generate ABIs and update their dependencies.

Once these have been installed, to start the sandbox, run:


Have fun

Congratulations, you have just installed and run the Aztec Sandbox!

     /\        | |
/ \ ___| |_ ___ ___
/ /\ \ |_ / __/ _ \/ __|
/ ____ \ / /| || __/ (__
/_/___ \_\/___|\__\___|\___|

In the terminal, you will see some logs:

  1. Sandbox version
  2. Contract addresses of rollup contracts
  3. PXE (private execution environment) setup logs
  4. Initial accounts that are shipped with the sandbox and can be used in tests

Running Aztec PXE / Node / P2P-Bootstrap node

If you wish to run components of the Aztec network stack separately, you can use the aztec start command with various options for enabling components.

aztec start --node [nodeOptions] --pxe [pxeOptions] --archiver [archiverOptions] --sequencer [sequencerOptions] --prover [proverOptions] ----p2p-bootstrap [p2pOptions]

Starting the aztec node alongside a PXE, sequencer or archiver, will attach the components to the node.Eg if you want to run a PXE separately to a node, you can read this guide/

Update the sandbox

To update the sandbox, you can just run:


Next steps

Visit the sandbox reference for more info on which environment variables you can set, which cheat codes you can use, and learn about what exactly is the Aztec Sandbox.