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Wallet Architecture

This page talks about the architecture of a wallet in Aztec. Wallets expose to dapps an interface that allows them to act on behalf of the user, such as querying private state or sending transactions. Bear mind that, as in Ethereum, wallets should require user confirmation whenever carrying out a potentially sensitive action requested by a dapp.


Architecture-wise, a wallet is an instance of an Private Execution Environment (PXE) which manages user keys and private state. The PXE also communicates with an Aztec Node for retrieving public information or broadcasting transactions. Note that the PXE requires a local database for keeping private state, and is also expected to be continuously syncing new blocks for trial-decryption of user notes.

Additionally, a wallet must be able to handle one or more account contract implementations. When a user creates a new account, the account is represented on-chain by an account contract. The wallet is responsible for deploying and interacting with this contract. A wallet may support multiple flavours of accounts, such as an account that uses ECDSA signatures, or one that relies on WebAuthn, or one that requires multi-factor authentication. For a user, the choice of what account implementation to use is then determined by the wallet they interact with.

In code, this translates to a wallet implementing an AccountInterface interface that defines how to create an execution request out of an array of function calls for the specific implementation of an account contract and how to generate an auth witness for authorizing actions on behalf of the user. Think of this interface as the Javascript counterpart of an account contract, or the piece of code that knows how to format a transaction and authenticate an action based on the rules defined by the user's account contract implementation.

Account interface

The account interface is used for creating an execution request out of one or more function calls requested by a dapp, as well as creating an auth witness for a given message hash. Account contracts are expected to handle multiple function calls per transaction, since dapps may choose to batch multiple actions into a single request to the wallet.

/** Creates authorization witnesses. */
export interface AuthWitnessProvider {
* Computes an authentication witness from either a message hash
* @param messageHash - The message hash to approve
* @returns The authentication witness
createAuthWit(messageHash: Fr | Buffer): Promise<AuthWitness>;

* Handler for interfacing with an account. Knows how to create transaction execution
* requests and authorize actions for its corresponding account.
export interface AccountInterface extends EntrypointInterface, AuthWitnessProvider {
/** Returns the complete address for this account. */
getCompleteAddress(): CompleteAddress;

/** Returns the address for this account. */
getAddress(): AztecAddress;

/** Returns the chain id for this account */
getChainId(): Fr;

/** Returns the rollup version for this account */
getVersion(): Fr;

* Handler for interfacing with an account's ability to rotate its keys.
export interface AccountKeyRotationInterface {
* Rotates the account master nullifier key pair.
* @param newNskM - The new master nullifier secret key we want to use.
* @remarks - This function also calls the canonical key registry with the account's new derived master nullifier public key.
* We are doing it this way to avoid user error, in the case that a user rotates their keys in the key registry,
* but fails to do so in the key store. This leads to unspendable notes.
* This does not hinder our ability to spend notes tied to a previous master nullifier public key, provided we have the master nullifier secret key for it.
rotateNullifierKeys(newNskM: Fq): Promise<void>;
Source code: yarn-project/aztec.js/src/account/interface.ts#L7-L51

PXE interface

A wallet exposes the PXE interface to dapps by running an PXE instance. The PXE requires a keystore and a database implementation for storing keys, private state, and recipient encryption public keys.

* Private eXecution Environment (PXE) runs locally for each user, providing functionality for all the operations
* needed to interact with the Aztec network, including account management, private data management,
* transaction local simulation, and access to an Aztec node. This interface, as part of a Wallet,
* is exposed to dapps for interacting with the network on behalf of the user.
export interface PXE {
* Insert an auth witness for a given message hash. Auth witnesses are used to authorize actions on
* behalf of a user. For instance, a token transfer initiated by a different address may request
* authorization from the user to move their tokens. This authorization is granted by the user
* account contract by verifying an auth witness requested to the execution oracle. Witnesses are
* usually a signature over a hash of the action to be authorized, but their actual contents depend
* on the account contract that consumes them.
* @param authWitness - The auth witness to insert. Composed of an identifier, which is the hash of
* the action to be authorized, and the actual witness as an array of fields, which are to be
* deserialized and processed by the account contract.
addAuthWitness(authWitness: AuthWitness): Promise<void>;

* Fetches the serialized auth witness for a given message hash or returns undefined if not found.
* @param messageHash - The hash of the message for which to get the auth witness.
* @returns The serialized auth witness for the given message hash.
getAuthWitness(messageHash: Fr): Promise<Fr[] | undefined>;

* Adding a capsule to the capsule dispenser.
* @param capsule - An array of field elements representing the capsule.
* @remarks A capsule is a "blob" of data that is passed to the contract through an oracle.
addCapsule(capsule: Fr[]): Promise<void>;

* Registers a user account in PXE given its master encryption private key.
* Once a new account is registered, the PXE Service will trial-decrypt all published notes on
* the chain and store those that correspond to the registered account. Will do nothing if the
* account is already registered.
* @param secretKey - Secret key of the corresponding user master public key.
* @param partialAddress - The partial address of the account contract corresponding to the account being registered.
* @returns The complete address of the account.
registerAccount(secretKey: Fr, partialAddress: PartialAddress): Promise<CompleteAddress>;

* Registers a recipient in PXE. This is required when sending encrypted notes to
* a user who hasn't deployed their account contract yet. Since their account is not deployed, their
* encryption public key has not been broadcasted, so we need to manually register it on the PXE Service
* in order to be able to encrypt data for this recipient.
* @param recipient - The complete address of the recipient
* @remarks Called recipient because we can only send notes to this account and not receive them via this PXE Service.
* This is because we don't have the associated private key and for this reason we can't decrypt
* the recipient's notes. We can send notes to this account because we can encrypt them with the recipient's
* public key.
registerRecipient(recipient: CompleteAddress): Promise<void>;

* Retrieves the user accounts registered on this PXE Service.
* @returns An array of the accounts registered on this PXE Service.
getRegisteredAccounts(): Promise<CompleteAddress[]>;

* Retrieves the complete address of the account corresponding to the provided aztec address.
* Complete addresses include the address, the partial address, and the encryption public key.
* @param address - The address of account.
* @returns The complete address of the requested account if found.
getRegisteredAccount(address: AztecAddress): Promise<CompleteAddress | undefined>;

* Retrieves the recipients added to this PXE Service.
* @returns An array of recipients registered on this PXE Service.
getRecipients(): Promise<CompleteAddress[]>;

* Retrieves the complete address of the recipient corresponding to the provided aztec address.
* Complete addresses include the address, the partial address, and the encryption public key.
* @param address - The aztec address of the recipient.
* @returns The complete address of the requested recipient.
getRecipient(address: AztecAddress): Promise<CompleteAddress | undefined>;

* Rotates master nullifier keys.
* @param address - The address of the account we want to rotate our key for.
* @param newNskM - The new master nullifier secret key we want to use.
* @remarks - One should not use this function directly without also calling the canonical key registry to rotate
* the new master nullifier secret key's derived master nullifier public key.
* Therefore, it is preferred to use rotateNullifierKeys on AccountWallet, as that handles the call to the Key Registry as well.
* This does not hinder our ability to spend notes tied to a previous master nullifier public key, provided we have the master nullifier secret key for it.
rotateNskM(address: AztecAddress, newNskM: Fq): Promise<void>;

* Registers a contract class in the PXE without registering any associated contract instance with it.
* @param artifact - The build artifact for the contract class.
registerContractClass(artifact: ContractArtifact): Promise<void>;

* Adds deployed contracts to the PXE Service. Deployed contract information is used to access the
* contract code when simulating local transactions. This is automatically called by aztec.js when
* deploying a contract. Dapps that wish to interact with contracts already deployed should register
* these contracts in their users' PXE Service through this method.
* @param contract - A contract instance to register, with an optional artifact which can be omitted if the contract class has already been registered.
registerContract(contract: { instance: ContractInstanceWithAddress; artifact?: ContractArtifact }): Promise<void>;

* Retrieves the addresses of contracts added to this PXE Service.
* @returns An array of contracts addresses registered on this PXE Service.
getContracts(): Promise<AztecAddress[]>;

* Creates a transaction based on the provided preauthenticated execution request. This will
* run a local simulation of the private execution (and optionally of public as well), assemble
* the zero-knowledge proof for the private execution, and return the transaction object.
* @param txRequest - An authenticated tx request ready for simulation
* @param simulatePublic - Whether to simulate the public part of the transaction.
* @returns A transaction ready to be sent to the network for execution.
* @throws If the code for the functions executed in this transaction has not been made available via `addContracts`.
* Also throws if simulatePublic is true and public simulation reverts.
proveTx(txRequest: TxExecutionRequest, simulatePublic: boolean): Promise<Tx>;

* Simulates a transaction based on the provided preauthenticated execution request.
* This will run a local simulation of private execution (and optionally of public as well), assemble
* the zero-knowledge proof for the private execution, and return the transaction object along
* with simulation results (return values).
* Note that this is used with `ContractFunctionInteraction::simulateTx` to bypass certain checks.
* In that case, the transaction returned is only potentially ready to be sent to the network for execution.
* @param txRequest - An authenticated tx request ready for simulation
* @param simulatePublic - Whether to simulate the public part of the transaction.
* @param msgSender - (Optional) The message sender to use for the simulation.
* @returns A simulated transaction object that includes a transaction that is potentially ready
* to be sent to the network for execution, along with public and private return values.
* @throws If the code for the functions executed in this transaction has not been made available via `addContracts`.
* Also throws if simulatePublic is true and public simulation reverts.
simulateTx(txRequest: TxExecutionRequest, simulatePublic: boolean, msgSender?: AztecAddress): Promise<SimulatedTx>;

* Sends a transaction to an Aztec node to be broadcasted to the network and mined.
* @param tx - The transaction as created via `proveTx`.
* @returns A hash of the transaction, used to identify it.
sendTx(tx: Tx): Promise<TxHash>;

* Fetches a transaction receipt for a given transaction hash. Returns a mined receipt if it was added
* to the chain, a pending receipt if it's still in the mempool of the connected Aztec node, or a dropped
* receipt if not found in the connected Aztec node.
* @param txHash - The transaction hash.
* @returns A receipt of the transaction.
getTxReceipt(txHash: TxHash): Promise<TxReceipt>;

* Get a tx effect.
* @param txHash - The hash of a transaction which resulted in the returned tx effect.
* @returns The requested tx effect.
getTxEffect(txHash: TxHash): Promise<TxEffect | undefined>;

* Gets the storage value at the given contract storage slot.
* @remarks The storage slot here refers to the slot as it is defined in Noir not the index in the merkle tree.
* Aztec's version of `eth_getStorageAt`.
* @param contract - Address of the contract to query.
* @param slot - Slot to query.
* @returns Storage value at the given contract slot.
* @throws If the contract is not deployed.
getPublicStorageAt(contract: AztecAddress, slot: Fr): Promise<Fr>;

* Gets incoming notes of accounts registered in this PXE based on the provided filter.
* @param filter - The filter to apply to the notes.
* @returns The requested notes.
getIncomingNotes(filter: IncomingNotesFilter): Promise<ExtendedNote[]>;

* Gets outgoing notes of accounts registered in this PXE based on the provided filter.
* @param filter - The filter to apply to the notes.
* @returns The requested notes.
getOutgoingNotes(filter: OutgoingNotesFilter): Promise<ExtendedNote[]>;

* Finds the nonce(s) for a given note.
* @param note - The note to find the nonces for.
* @returns The nonces of the note.
* @remarks More than a single nonce may be returned since there might be more than one nonce for a given note.
* TODO(#4956): Un-expose this
getNoteNonces(note: ExtendedNote): Promise<Fr[]>;

* Adds a note to the database.
* @throws If the note hash of the note doesn't exist in the tree.
* @param note - The note to add.
addNote(note: ExtendedNote): Promise<void>;

* Adds a nullified note to the database.
* @throws If the note hash of the note doesn't exist in the tree.
* @param note - The note to add.
* @dev We are not deriving a nullifier in this function since that would require having the nullifier secret key
* which is undesirable. Instead, we are just adding the note to the database as nullified and the nullifier is set
* to 0 in the db.
addNullifiedNote(note: ExtendedNote): Promise<void>;

* Get the given block.
* @param number - The block number being requested.
* @returns The blocks requested.
getBlock(number: number): Promise<L2Block | undefined>;

* Simulate the execution of an unconstrained function on a deployed contract without actually modifying state.
* This is useful to inspect contract state, for example fetching a variable value or calling a getter function.
* The function takes function name and arguments as parameters, along with the contract address
* and optionally the sender's address.
* @param functionName - The name of the function to be called in the contract.
* @param args - The arguments to be provided to the function.
* @param to - The address of the contract to be called.
* @param from - (Optional) The msg sender to set for the call.
* @returns The result of the view function call, structured based on the function ABI.
simulateUnconstrained(functionName: string, args: any[], to: AztecAddress, from?: AztecAddress): Promise<any>;

* Gets unencrypted logs based on the provided filter.
* @param filter - The filter to apply to the logs.
* @returns The requested logs.
getUnencryptedLogs(filter: LogFilter): Promise<GetUnencryptedLogsResponse>;

* Fetches the current block number.
* @returns The block number.
getBlockNumber(): Promise<number>;

* Returns the information about the server's node. Includes current Node version, compatible Noir version,
* L1 chain identifier, protocol version, and L1 address of the rollup contract.
* @returns - The node information.
getNodeInfo(): Promise<NodeInfo>;

* Returns information about this PXE.
getPXEInfo(): Promise<PXEInfo>;

* Checks whether all the blocks were processed (tree roots updated, txs updated with block info, etc.).
* @returns True if there are no outstanding blocks to be synched.
* @remarks This indicates that blocks and transactions are synched even if notes are not. Compares local block number with the block number from aztec node.
* @deprecated Use `getSyncStatus` instead.
isGlobalStateSynchronized(): Promise<boolean>;

* Checks if the specified account is synchronized.
* @param account - The aztec address for which to query the sync status.
* @returns True if the account is fully synched, false otherwise.
* @deprecated Use `getSyncStatus` instead.
* @remarks Checks whether all the notes from all the blocks have been processed. If it is not the case, the
* retrieved information from contracts might be old/stale (e.g. old token balance).
* @throws If checking a sync status of account which is not registered.
isAccountStateSynchronized(account: AztecAddress): Promise<boolean>;

* Returns the latest block that has been synchronized globally and for each account. The global block number
* indicates whether global state has been updated up to that block, whereas each address indicates up to which
* block the private state has been synced for that account.
* @returns The latest block synchronized for blocks, and the latest block synched for notes for each public key being tracked.
getSyncStatus(): Promise<SyncStatus>;

* Returns the note processor stats.
* @returns The note processor stats for notes for each public key being tracked.
getSyncStats(): Promise<{ [key: string]: NoteProcessorStats }>;

* Returns a Contact Instance given its address, which includes the contract class identifier,
* initialization hash, deployment salt, and public keys hash.
* TODO(@spalladino): Should we return the public keys in plain as well here?
* @param address - Deployment address of the contract.
getContractInstance(address: AztecAddress): Promise<ContractInstanceWithAddress | undefined>;

* Returns a Contact Class given its identifier.
* TODO(@spalladino): The PXE actually holds artifacts and not classes, what should we return? Also,
* should the pxe query the node for contract public info, and merge it with its own definitions?
* @param id - Identifier of the class.
getContractClass(id: Fr): Promise<ContractClassWithId | undefined>;

* Returns the contract artifact associated to a contract class.
* @param id - Identifier of the class.
getContractArtifact(id: Fr): Promise<ContractArtifact | undefined>;

* Queries the node to check whether the contract class with the given id has been publicly registered.
* TODO(@spalladino): This method is strictly needed to decide whether to publicly register a class or not
* during a public deployment. We probably want a nicer and more general API for this, but it'll have to
* do for the time being.
* @param id - Identifier of the class.
isContractClassPubliclyRegistered(id: Fr): Promise<boolean>;

* Queries the node to check whether the contract instance with the given address has been publicly deployed,
* regardless of whether this PXE knows about the contract or not.
* TODO(@spalladino): Same notes as above.
isContractPubliclyDeployed(address: AztecAddress): Promise<boolean>;

* Returns the events of a specified type.
* @param from - The block number to search from.
* @param limit - The amount of blocks to search.
* @param eventMetadata - Identifier of the event. This should be the class generated from the contract. e.g.
* @param ivpk - The incoming viewing public key that corresponds to the incoming viewing secret key that can decrypt the log.
* @returns - The deserialized events.
getEvents<T>(from: number, limit: number, eventMetadata: EventMetadata<T>, ivpk: Point): Promise<T[]>;
Source code: yarn-project/circuit-types/src/interfaces/pxe.ts#L28-L393